When we work remotely, we enjoy pleasant bonuses: finally we don’t have to get up early every day, get ready for a long time, run to the subway or the bus, and stand in traffic jams for 1.5-2 hours. Work and rest, what else do you need to be happy?
But sometimes there is something that prevents us from rolling up our sleeves and working to the best of our ability. We don’t even notice the little things that undermine our productivity. If they’re not corrected in time, there is a risk not to perform tasks, lose part of your income, lose heart and soon be disappointed in telecommuting.
What dangers and temptations are waiting for us outside the office? Here are 5 mistakes that are detrimental to telecommuters.
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Forgetting About Time
That’s one of the most common mistakes of a remote worker, leading to professional burnout. You can get so caught up in tasks that you forget about rest, regular meals and basic exercise. Soon you will get tired and feel a burning desire to quit – of course, at the most inopportune moment, while working on an essential and urgent project.
To avoid this scenario, get your schedule in order. Get up and go to bed at certain hours, take regular breaks. If you get bogged down with work, set reminders on your smartphone or your alarm clock to “ring once an hour” so you can take time for yourself and get some rest.
Remember the three magic rules that will help you manage your time effectively: plan, emphasize, and act. Start your morning with small tasks that take 10-15 minutes to complete, then get to the main ones. Write down everything you need to do during the day and check the list regularly.
Sitting at your desk for too long, absorbed in the monitor, isn’t good for you. Don’t overload yourself with tasks – remote work should bring joy, but certainly not harm.
If you forget about a normal, leisurely lunch and eat on the run with coffee and sandwiches, the body will not receive the necessary substances, and your performance will decrease. For the sake of successful tasks, occasionally turn off “Superman mode.” Take a short break for a couple of minutes and don’t forget about a full lunch – you deserve it!
Distract Yourself With Entertainment During Work Hours
Sometimes you feel like opening Instagram and checking your feed in the midst of work. And when a text from a friend arrives, we have a legitimate excuse to tear ourselves away from the computer to respond, and at the same time go to social media, create a bookmaker login for betting, open our favorite website… Hello, sudden break!
Rest should be, for example, by the method of “Pomodoro”: 45 minutes you work, 15 minutes you rest. If you relax by communicating online, open your smartphone only during short minutes of rest, meal breaks, and after completing tasks. Otherwise, you will soon forget that you have to work remotely, too.
Try to limit online distractions – take up a hobby, read a book, or at least walk around the room and look out the window for a couple of minutes. That way your eyes will take a break from the monitor, and your brain will reboot and tune in to work.
Forgetting About Cleanliness and Order
It would seem – you work at home and there should be more time left for everyday chores. And so it is, but laziness and the desire to put off unpleasant chores to the last queue have not disappeared.
Sometimes we think about cleaning, sneezing from dust, irritated by stains on the table and crumbs underfoot. But if you have urgent tasks at the same time, you have to work in the mess, which affects productivity.
Find free time – tidy up the workplace, clean the house, and be sure to take care of your appearance. Your head should always be clean and your clothes neat, even if you started to go out less often. You will feel more pleasant and easier to work when you – satisfied and well-groomed, sitting at a sparkling laptop in a freshly cleaned house.
Being Away From Communication for a Long Time
In the office we are used to constant communication – it’s different when you work remotely. The boss and colleagues are far away, and you communicate with your voice only on conference calls. If you have a family, you won’t be bored, but those who live alone will gradually become depressed.
To gain strength and lift your spirits, arrange two full days off a week. Spend them in a good way – call your parents, loved ones, friends or acquaintances. Arrange to meet up, go for a walk and have dinner together – you’ll have wonderful days that will banish boredom for a long time.
Socialize more often, people fill us with emotion, add variety to our lives, and energize us for the week ahead.
Working Only From Home
What is the main advantage of working remotely? That’s right – the chance to work anywhere in the world, where there is Internet and combine the task with a vacation. Some remote workers forget about such a gift of fate and spend every day with a laptop at their favorite desk in their apartment.
Studying only at home, you soon get tired of the monotony. Change the environment, otherwise you risk falling into procrastination. Travel more often – go to a city or a place you have long wanted to visit. If you cannot go for a long time, go on short trips at the weekend, for 1-2 days.
In the summer, you can work with your laptop in public parks and on open porches of cafes. Perhaps on the roof of your apartment building there is an area with a table and benches – go up there. The fresh air and great views will fill you with inspiration and energy.