Like many parts that make up the human body, the brain needs some exercises to improve and maintain its functionality. This is why when you struggle to remember certain things that would otherwise have been easily reeled out, it points to the fact that you need a boost to your visual memory. In line with this, there are simple yet, effective exercises you can do at home to train your visual memory.
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What Is Visual Memory?
What do you see when you stare out the window of your home or a moving vehicle? Flowers? Bare land? Animals? Whatever it is, if your brain can’t store and retrieve it at some point, and it happens most of the time, your visual memory needs work.
Visual memory is the relationship between what is seen, how such information leads to the storage, retrieval, and the resultant encoding that happens in the brain. It is the capability humans have to process perceptions when the stimuli that trigger them are absent.
There’s no limit to what we can see and recall since visual memory lacks a time span. This means what is seen seconds or years ago, can be equally captured by the senses. This includes the ability to see, perceive, retain and organize different information about objects, people, animals, etc.
Importance of Visual Perception
How else will vital education elements like grab my essay review, reading and other parts of the learning process contribute to knowledge without good visual memory? Simply put, without them, visual stimuli for such activities will be non-existent.
With poor visual recognition, it would be near impossible to configure words, build sentences and develop vocabulary. Again, for kids with memory deficit, it becomes quite the norm to have problems writing, copying words or doing basic tasks.
Research has indicated that with poor visual perception and low memory, people, especially children may have difficulty solving math problems.
8 Fun Exercises to Help You Develop Your Processing Skills
It’s okay to forget some things. Human beings are wired that way. But if you’re having a hard time doing easy tasks or recalling things like addresses and phone numbers, the exercises explained below will help you improve your visual memory.
1. Writing Notes
The advent of technology and many innovations has left the art of writing or note-taking in a loop. People now conveniently use digital tools to do most tasks. You’ll notice that in classrooms, students prefer laptops, digital notebooks or any other electronic option to jot down information. This has far-reaching effects on human memory capacity and inhibits its ability to recall many things. On the other hand, writing notes has these effects:
- It boosts memory and gives you a great chance to understand concepts better.
- Writing provides flexibility and helps you personalize what you want.
- Research shows that those who depend on electronic means to write could be at risk of ‘mindless processing‘ in the long run.
- Although there’s a good chance you won’t lose your work on an electronic device as opposed to writing, taking notes helps you retain facts and recall them with ease.
2. Playing Card Games
Enhancing your memory doesn’t have to be difficult. It could be as easy as playing card games. While you can use such activities to spend valuable time with family, you can boost your visual memory, especially when you have to recall the cards already played. When you analyze your next move, think about the hand your opponent just played and the strategy to counter, you’re already engaging your visual memory. Also, when your cognitive skills improve, it affects other aspects of your life positively.
Playing card games increases the power of recognition and boosts short memory. This helps you recall things without having to think too much.
3. Number Brain Exercise
The importance of numeracy to visual memory cannot be overemphasized. It’s a powerful skill to learn and have. Whether you make use of memory techniques to get it right or not, the results are almost immediate. For example, the ‘add 3 minus 7’ game works wonders for your brain and boosts visual memory. To perform it, take a 3-digit number and add 3 to it thrice and take away (minus) 7 from the new number 7 times. Try to go over the exercise a few more times, picking another 3-digit number the next time. With resources like Essayshark review, you can learn how useful the number brain exercise is and how it helps your visual memory.
4. Explain/Read to Yourself
To better understand a concept that’s novel to you or proves to be a sticking point while learning, explain it to yourself. For example, if you’re a law student and can’t seem to wrap your head around key cases and topics important for success at an examination, you can apply this skill in a creative way. Also, it can come in handy when you want to role-play or in actual reality with clients.
When you explain to yourself, you gain a focus that helps keep your mind from wandering thus, strengthening the visual image in your mind and improving your visual memory.
5. Use All Your Senses
Want to learn faster and retain more in your brain? Putting all your senses to work makes all the difference. It’s not uncommon to have people say they trust their sense of smell more, or some other sense. But to grasp the essence of anything around you or understand certain concepts well, engaging all your senses will improve your visual memory.
When you depend on one or two senses, you’ll feel less confident about the others. Training to use them all can straighten things out. For instance, you can recall an event by thinking of what you touched, saw, smelled, heard and even tasted during the event.
6. Drawing/Sketching
Research shows that you don’t have to be an artist or good at drawing to improve memory retention. In fact, sketching helps you recall faces and places you’ve been to. With such images fresh in your mind, you can doodle them on a piece of paper. This is a form of training that improves your visual memory. Also, the fun is feeling like a kid (if you aren’t one) and being creative by adding objects to what you imagine.
7. Break things down
When you’re trying to figure things out and they seem too large to recall all at once, it’s best you divide them into pieces. This way, you don’t feel burdened to remember the whole bit of information. Also, you’ll feel much weary when you can’t place your hand on all that information at once. A divide and conquer approach with little steps at memorizing will help your visual memory. Much like the best of british essay writers, using small details will snowball into bigger details.
8. Solve Puzzles
Puzzles, jigsaws or crosswords, are fabulous ways to engage your short-term memory and by extension, your visual memory. Your brain is made to work depending on the level of the game and how many pieces. Jigsaws are cool and you’d have to sift through many colors to put together a visual image. Playing crosswords is also beneficial to your visual memory and concentration level.
Visual memory is a key part of the genetic makeup of every human being and is key to achieving anything. These fun ways to train your visual memory improve your ability to perform tasks with minimal effort.