This is all part of cognitive development. Most people, however, can barely tell you what they learned in school. Part of this can be explained through biochemistry as scientist study the complexities of life. The rise of biochemistry jobs has included social scientists who study and understand brain development and function.
In that context, cognitive learning is a different approach to learning where a student uses experience, emotions, senses, and thoughts to make new connections in the brain.
The result of cognitive training, as opposes to the mundane type of training, is that it’s long lasting and applicable in every area of your life because. You don’t just add useless information to your mind. It’s a more active and constructive style of learning. As you apply what you are learning, it gets stored in your subconscious and working memory.
How the brain works
The brain has two parts where learning is concerned; white and grey matter. In the gray matter, you find nerve cells or neurons that process information in the brain. In the white matter, you find fibers that connect cells from different regions in the brain that they transfer data from one part to the other. These parts of the brain are subject to change positively or negatively depending on what you do with your mind.
Cognitive learning and changes in brain structure
• One great example of cognitive training is learning how to play musical instruments or even studying music. As you continue to learn the different notes in the song, you expand the volume of the gray matter, which creates more neurons.
If you can take a look at the brain during this learning process, you can see a thickening in the gray matter, which is responsible for memory. What this means is that cognitive learning actually helps to improve your memory.
• Similarly, as you continue to learn complex things about music or a new language, there is also an increase in white matter. The training increases insulation around the fibers making them thicker and more solid.
Anyone who knows how internet fiber works can understand that the thickness in those cords makes the internet faster and more powerful, which is precisely what happens in the brain. Parts of your brain will start to communicate faster, and you can quickly move from one region to another because there is instant cooperation between the brain regions.
• Cognitive training greatly improves your working memory, which is what you need to do everyday tasks, solve problems, and even be innovative. Since it requires you to actively engage the parts of your brain that are in charge of emotions and senses, the information that you learn becomes a part of you, and it’s imprinted in your working memory before being moved to the subconscious mind.
The reason why kindergarten kids remember the things they learn in school is that their teachers use cognitive training to teach them. They involve their emotions, senses, and every part of their brain to form the learning experience. This type of learning is the only way the brain can grow and refresh itself, so you don’t lose the brain cells with age.