It's been several decades that people think the brain and how this organ develops was determined at birth. Recently, many...
There are ways with which you can increase or boost your IQ, I will briefly expound this so that you...
Can you really boost up your brain into a ready-to-go machine? Perhaps this could be possible if you can increase...
Neuroplasticity and how it does work shall be expounded in this article. Neuroplasticity is a neuron's ability to rewire itself,...
Mutability of EverythingNeuroplastic poemA poem to learn from and live by, daily.Think everything is stagnant? O what a folly and...
This chapter expounds on the idea that brain is not hardwired as once thought. Evidence, case studies, and daily experiences...
Neuroplasticity can change your life because humans are neuroplastic and this is happening all the time in your brain. There...
Can the brain heal itself after a damage has been done to it? Maybe, maybe not.I have read a lot...
How dopaminergic stimulants like Adderall/Ritalin influence brain plasticity is the theme of this article.Neuroplasticity and AdderallDopamine receptors have consequences for...
The common way to envision and portray memory is to compare it to a mental file organizer where data is...
Ever believe how supersmart you can be? You lied to yourself. Here are the 3 most ultrasmart human beings with...
Here is a portion of the attitudes that set moguls apart from the average population.These are practical principles manipulable in...
There are two major types of neuroplasticity. These are synaptic neuroplasticity and non-synaptic neuroplasticity.Neuroplasticity is an expansive term used to...
Our brain is eventually an instrument of data distribution. You can 'turn off' regions and upgrade works in others, this...
Growth mindset and brainology is an educational project that was instituted by Prof. Carol Dweck. This is particularly designed to...
Like it or not, your brain drives your behavior. With that, according to pioneering recovery educators and health and well-being...
Fashion is an ever-evolving landscape, and one of the most exciting trends in recent years is the resurgence of geometric...
Neurodivergence encompasses various neurological conditions, such as ADHD, autism, and dyslexia. Although traditionally misunderstood in workplace settings and portrayed as...
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