When it comes to our brain, let’s happily accept the fact that it has the power to adapt and change, even in your older years.
Through the ability of neuroplasticity, our brain can form new neural pathways, change the current connections, and adapt and react in new ways. Improving our memory is relevant in any industry or phase of life.
While the case with the education sector is no different, where college and university level students are expected to keep up the pace with the challenging and pacey course curriculum throughout the academic tenure.
Here we are going to learn some really potent techniques in order to improve our memory and brain power.
☆Perform some brain exercise
By the time we reach adulthood, our brain has developed millions of neural networks that assist us in processing and remembering information efficiently, solve known problems, and perform routine jobs with little fuss.
If you keep yourself confined with these already developed paths only, you aren’t giving your brain the freedom to grow. This is why it is advised to rattle things every now and then and make room for something new.
The dynamics of memory is similar to that of the muscle strength, use it or lose it. The more we work out our brain, the more we are keeping it healthy for the purpose of processing, storing, and recalling information.
Whatever the brain exercise you choose, the prime aim is to develop new neural pathways to keep the brain growing even through the old age.
☆Never skip the physical exercise sessions
As much as our brain requires exercise to keep itself revitalized and healthy, so does our body which can’t be done without breaking some exhausting sweat.
In short, physical exercise is absolutely essential to keep our brain in the best shape. Sessions in the gym facilitate the flow of oxygen to the brain and eliminate the causes that lead to memory loss concerns, including diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Regular exercise also enhances the release of chemicals and stress hormones in the brain. Even more importantly, physical workouts play a vital role in neuroplasticity by propelling growth and refreshing new neuronal connections.
☆Acquire your “Zs”
Students should understand the difference between the amount of sleep they can get and the amount of sleep needed to perform at the best of their game. Around 95% of the adults require about 7.5 to 8 hours of sleep in order to avoid suffering from insomnia, a sleep disorder or deprivation.
Even skipping a few hours of needed sleep can considerably affect your memory, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and critical and independent thinking skills.
This is why students are required to understand the importance of sleep if they are to up their brain performance both in and out of the classroom.
☆Keep close tabs on stress levels
Stress is one of the biggest productivity and motivation killers in not only our academics but also in our social and professionals lives.
When we talk about the memory improvement aspect, chronic levels of stress does no good to our memory and related functions as it destroys the brain cells and impacts the hippocampus—the chunk of the brain that is responsible to create new memories and recall the old ones. Furthermore, studies have also successfully connected stress with memory loss issues.
☆ Squeeze out time for friends
It might seem like more of a social factor, but making time for friends and family members do actually help much in improving your memory.
Again, it might seem impractical, after all, you’re pursuing a college major and how can you make time out of your busy schedule. Well, you can always find a quality time when priorities are clearly set.
One might argue that playing a highly strategic chess match or puzzle game, or studying the tactics of a Football game will test your brain like never before, but in fact, some little things such as spending quality time with our loved ones are what makes the biggest difference.
Many pieces of research have proved that true friendships with a powerful emotional support around us are not only beneficial for emotional health but our cognitive development as well.
A recent study at the Harvard School of Public Health concluded that people who had the most actively consumed lives registered the lowest declines of their memory.