List of intelligence tests |
List of IQ test
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
The Wechsler adult intelligence scale is an IQ test that is used to qualify the cognitive and intellectual ability in the humans like an adult and older. David Wechsler first introduced it in February 1955. After the review of Wechsler–Bellevue intelligence scale, it became an issue in 1939. The fourth edition was published in 2008 by Pearson. This is widely used IQ test for older and adults. There is working on a making of a new version of Wechsler adult intelligence scale, the period was 2016 to 2019. It was predicted to be available in 2019.
Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scales
The Stanford Binet intelligence scale is an independently directed intelligence test, this was review by the Lewis M. Terman from the original Binet – Simon scale, a psychologist at Stanford University. The fifth edition of Stanford intelligence scale are published in 2003.
In this IQ test, cognitive ability is usually measured in order to determine the cause of a deficiency in teenagers. There are five tests which have verbal as well as non-verbal test included. The factors to which this test is based are visual-spatial processing, knowledge, fluid reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and working memory.
The Stanford design started with the modern field of intelligence testing and it was the first example for adaptive testing. The test was design in France then review in United States. The originator of this test was a psychologist, Alfred Binet in which they found a slow process of intellectual functioning in some children.
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
The Wechsler intelligence system was designed for children between the ages of 6 to 16. It was an intelligence test. The fifth edition was published in 2014, which is the latest version. In fifth edition, it took 45 to 65 minutes to direct. It produce a full scale IQ test that explain the child intellectual ability. The test base on five main index which are the visuo-spatial index, processing speed index, verbal comprehension index, fluid reasoning index, and working memory index. All these will explain a child abilities in individual intellectual domain. For any one assessment it take 15 to 20 minutes and for complete assessments it take more hours.
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence
The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) is an intelligence test made for children who have 2 years 6 months years to 7 years 7 months. This was also design by David Wechsler in 1967. It was review by three times in 1989 2002 and 2012. The fourth version was published by Pearson. They offer subtests and composite scores to measure the intellectual scores in the cognitive domains. In the composite scores, one could get a good insight of children’s general intellectual ability.
Otis–Lennon School Ability Test
The Otis–Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT), issued by the Harcourt Assessment. This test was designed to analyze the thinking ability and reasoning ability of children to 18. In this there are multiple choice question through which they check the spatial reasoning ability, verbal and quantitative ability.
Differential Ability Scales
The Differential Ability Scales (DAS) is a nationally formed in the United States. It is a separately directed battery for cognitive and achievements tests. In the second version of Differential Ability Scales the test can be use be a children who have 2 years 6 months old to 17 years 11 months. During the analytic measurements a diversity of cognitive abilities contain like verbal, visual recognition, visual working memory, immediate, naming speed, processing delayed in recalling and remembering the number concepts. The creative DAS was established from the British Ability Scales in 1990.
Woodcock–Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities
The Woodcock-Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities is another example of intelligence test, first established in 1977 by Richard Woodcock and Mary E. Bonner Johnson. This test was also review in 1989, 2001and currently in 2014. It can measure a multiple range of cognitive skills and ability.
Miller Analogies Test
The Miller Analogies Test (MAT) is a uniform and consistent test that is used in graduate schools for admission of students in the United States and for the admission of IQ communities. It was designed and published by Harcourt Assessment. In this test, there are 120 question which you have to solve in 60 minutes, same if it has 100 question then the required time will be 50 minutes. The Miller Analogical Test is verbal as well as computer based test unlike with other admission exams like GRE.
Multidimensional Aptitude Battery II
The Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-II is a group based directed intelligence test which was designed by a Canadian psychologist Douglas N. Jackson – including the following subscales: Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ. The test series consists of 10 subtests and it is used for multiple professional, government, law enforcement, medical, military, and employment settings.
The retest option will be based on time performance, which is depend on the value of these sections, like for verbal section, the value is 0.95, for performance section the value is 0.96 and for full scale IQ the value is based on 0.97.
Raven’s Progressive Matrices
Raven’s Progressive Matrices or RPM is a nonverbal group test that is classically used in educational settings. It has a 60-item for test that is used in computing the intellectual reasoning and observed as a non-verbal from fluid intelligence. It is famous as well as most common test for the children of five years old to elder. In this test there are 60 multiple choice question that are arrange as per difficult level. By the help of this test people will able to check the intellectual ability, reasoning ability. This test was design by John C. Raven in 1936. This test also include some pattern to identify the missing elements.