IQ score of 138 |
To place it in context, most IQ scores run from 40 to 140. Normal IQ ranges from 80 to 120. In this manner, an IQ of 138 is clearly great. There are a few people with a higher score than you, however, rest guaranteed that you are path better than expected and the vast majority have a lower IQ score than 138.
It relies upon the test what the “cutoff” is. This breaking point is known as the test’s ceiling. Most tests have 140+ maximum score. The WAIS for instance I accept has a ceiling of around 155. The WISC-IV has a ceiling of 160 and the Stanford Binet has a higher roof.
Your score of 138 is extraordinarily high. It is in the 99.4th percentile which essentially implies that you performed preferably on the test over 99.4% of people in the example the test was normed on. A score of 138 is likely impressively beneath the ceiling however so I don’t think you truly need to stress over “fixing it.”
Albert Einstein was estimated to have an IQ somewhere within the range of 160-180. There are no records of him consistently being tested, so we don’t know for beyond any doubt what his IQ was.
Motivated? If you were amazed then I can perceive any reason why you might be. IQ tests aren’t for the most part measures of accomplishment nor do they foresee future accomplishment. They just measure your thinking capacities compared with other individuals of a similar age group.