Hearing loss is a serious problem faced by millions of people around the world. It’s an impairment that changes lives before and after. Fortunately, today there is an effective and safe solution. It’s the daily wearing of hearing aids. These complex electronic devices bring people back to full and happy lives!
However, choosing and buying a hearing aid is not an as simple process, as it seems at first glance. What difficulties do people face in choosing them? How to buy a hearing aid to restore your hearing? Let’s answer these questions together!
What mistakes do people with hearing loss?
Today, many people with hearing loss don’t hurry to consult an audiologist. Many mistakenly think that they’ll be able to independently select and buy devices using the Internet. Indeed, today you’ll find a lot of information online about hearing issues and their treatment. Moreover, medical devices can be ordered in a few clicks in online stores and popular marketplaces.
But this approach only brings frustration and waste. After all, in the end, devices purchased on their own don’t work to the full, i.e. the patient doesn’t get the desired result. Why is this happening?
First, you need to choose the right power of devices. The more severe your hearing loss, the more powerful your hearing aids need to be. You’ll not be able to determine the problem at home. This requires consultation with Staten Island audiology. The doctor will conduct hearing tests using medical equipment. The results of the diagnosis will show the acuity of hearing. The audiologist will choose the power and functions of the devices you need.
Secondly, each hearing aid must be fitted individually. Any device out of the box has standard factory settings. Yes, they allow hearing aids to work. But for more comfortable and efficient use, they must be configured for each user. Why? Each case of hearing loss is unique. Each person has a unique structure of the hearing organs and issues. All this must be taken into account when selecting and fitting devices.
It should be noted that today hearing aids are powerful electronic devices with greater capabilities. You can choose a model with various additional features. They also require proper setting.
These two facts are already enough to understand that a consultation with a doctor is necessary to start using medical devices. Only an experienced specialist together with medical equipment will help you!
Why do many people hesitate to make an appointment with an audiologist? They make a mistake! But this has several reasons. Some do not want to waste time visiting an audiology clinic. They find unverified information on the Internet and buy devices online with the confidence that they can handle it themselves. What this leads to is written above. Other citizens with hearing loss want to save money. Perhaps they are not satisfied with the price of medical services and hearing aids.
Such people often fall for the tricks of marketers. You can find hundreds of offers with hearing amplifiers on marketplaces. These devices look like medical devices. The truth is that they are not able to help a person with hearing loss. But the patient doesn’t know about it! In addition, their low price sometimes outweighs all other selection criteria.
Would you like to join the list of frustrated people? Do you want to restore your hearing and enjoy an amazing palette of sounds and voices of loved ones? Then don’t make the mistake of buying hearing aids yourself. The only right decision is to contact the audiological clinic!
How to choose the hearing aid model?
So, you have noticed a hearing loss in yourself or a loved one. To confirm your guess, you can take an online test. If its results and symptoms indicate a problem, then there is no time to waste! The sooner you consult with an audiologist, the sooner your hearing will be restored.
First, the doctor will conduct a personal examination and speech audiometry. If there are symptoms of hearing loss, the audiologist will prescribe tone audiometry. It’s an effective and painless test of your hearing acuity, which works great even with children. The result of the hearing test is an audiogram. The special graph shows the limits of hearing. Thanks to it, the audiologist will determine the impairment and the degree of its development. It’s the first step on the road to recovery!
The audiogram will allow the hearing care professional to determine the power of the hearing aid. Next, you should talk about your hobbies, lifestyle, desires, etc. Modern hearing aids are compact, powerful devices with a stylish design, which can enhance your style and lifestyle. So feel free to tell about yourself as much as you can. It will help you choose the models that will be most useful and effective for you.
Consider additional features for devices. For example, waterproof, Bluetooth connection, automatic program switching, etc. There are no restrictions, everything depends only on your wishes. And of course the size of the wallet. The more features a device has, the more expensive it is. Don’t forget about it!
So, after consultation and testing, the audiologist will offer you a choice of several suitable models. You just have to choose the hearing aids, which you’ll soon be using during the day!
What about hearing aid fitting?
Setting devices is an important procedure. Usually, a doctor who selected the model carries it out. After making changes, there is a period of adaptation. It’s the time when your brain gets used to new conditions – healthy hearing. To make the time pass quickly and without unpleasant moments, follow all the recommendations of your doctor. Usually, after a period of adaptation, the audiologist will make minor adjustments to the medical devices.
Now enjoy the singing of birds, the sound of rain, the rustle of grass, and, of course, the voices of your loved ones!