It would be so great to have a photographic memory and stop worrying about exams, but almost every student out there has to work hard in order to learn more and get to know more information. Studies show that people forget more than 70% of what was taught in training after one day only.
In such circumstances, enhancing your memory becomes a critical task because it’s the only way to improve cognitive performance and boost memory in the long run. While there is no magic trick that can help you to study well without forgetting, there are many tactics you can use to strengthen your memory capacity. In this post, we will show you 10 highly practical ways to do it write my homework for me.
Table of Contents
Make a Plan
All the good things start with a plan. Your job is to create a schedule of work and precisely define the framework needed for successful studying. It will give you enough time to learn while leaving enough room for breaks to let the newly-acquired knowledge consolidate. In general, you need to schedule three main segments:
- Study hours: When do you plan to learn and how long will it take you to cover everything? You need to think about it and avoid last-minute panic attacks.
- Breaks: You can’t really memorize new facts without study breaks. Your mind needs time to process information and remember it long-term.
- Interruptions: You should also plan interruptions because something almost always slows us down and interferes with our plans.
Sleep More
Here’s a suggestion we know you’re going to love – sleep more to strengthen your memory. A report reveals that sleep has been identified as a state that optimizes the consolidation of newly acquired information in memory.
The point of this hack is simple: our brains tend to forget things quickly if not given a chance to fortify fresh data sets. Sleeping helps us to consolidate information and remember things better, so it’s almost always a good idea to take a nap after finishing a portion of your studies.
Study in Shorter Bursts
The next advice is to stop studying for hours and focus on shorter learning bursts. If you make a good plan, you can dedicate enough time to this learning format because it proves to be much more productive than long-distance learning.
Mark Harrison, a psychologist at the Rush My Essay, specialist in college paper writing services and essay writing services, and essay writing services, says shorter bursts make it easier to remember key information: “Studies show that it’s much better to learn 30 to 60 minutes. Doing so, you keep the brain fresh and open to new discoveries, unlike traditional day-long learning.”
Meditation is a precious mental technique which allows people to improve sharpness and focus. As such, it has the potential to enhance the so-called working memory of your brain. It’s a short-term memory which stores information temporarily until it’s no longer needed. This function is fundamental when you want to prepare for exams, so we strongly recommend you to join meditation courses and give a brand new boost to your short-term memory before things get rough.
Physical Exercise
Mental exercise is necessary, but you should also think about physical training as well. Individuals who are fit and healthy don’t allow their brains to get old and slow down. It seems like regular training makes the hippocampus bigger, and this is the part of your brain in charge of learning and memory.
You don’t even have to be too diligent – it’s enough to exercise two to three days a week and your body and your mind will react almost instantly. Besides that, you will start feeling fresh and more agile very soon.
Turn to Handwriting
Do you know that handwriting improves cognitive performance and improves memory in general? This happens because handwriting forces your brain to activate and really think about the things you are writing down. On the other side, typing does not have the same effect because you are just focusing on a keyboard and trying to hit the right button. Therefore, you should try to make handwritten notes whenever possible.
Drink Coffee
Now, this is old school advice that we probably don’t have to explain too extensively. Science and research cannot prove the direct influence of coffee on memory, but one thing is for sure: coffee keeps us awake and helps us to concentrate short-term.
This makes it an excellent energy booster, so you can drink a cup or two if you are feeling exhausted. However, assignment masters and dissertation writing services writers claim that caffeine intake should not be too big: “Individuals who drink too much coffee can jeopardize regular sleep patterns and lose the usual learning pace.”
Chew Gum
This may sound like a crazy idea, but chewing a gum proved to be beneficial learning-wise. Once again, the hippocampus plays the lead role here because it gets more active when you chew. Scientists still cannot explain the process, but it definitely exists and lots of students us it to enhance their learning results.
Eat Berries
Eating berries is yet another interesting suggestion that you probably won’t mind testing. It’s a healthy kind of food and you probably enjoy the taste, so don’t forget to buy some cherries or blackberries the next time you feel like studying.
Of course, other products can have positive effects on your memory, too. For instance, vegetables such as cabbage or broccoli are excellent memory boosters, as well as foods containing omega-3 fatty acids. This includes fatty fish, tuna, salmon, and so on.
Keep Studying
You might not like the last advice on our list, but the fact remains that practice makes perfect. Individuals who study hard end up improving their memories drastically just because they are used to acquiring new information.
After all, there is an old Latin phrase stating repetition is the mother of learning (repetitio est mater studiorum). It simply means that you need to work hard and invest a lot of time into studying if you want to achieve long-term results and retain information for good.
There is not a single person out there who wouldn’t like to learn and to get more knowledge. However, it’s not a simple task but rather a long-term process that requires a lot of focus and dedication. We showed you 10 practical ways how to make your brain effective and to improve studying skills. Make sure to follow our suggestions and you should notice the first results very soon!