IQ spectrum |
In this way, unless you are in school completing your second degree, I question the test was precise.
Consider only a couple of names to analyze, Mozart, Rembrandt, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Leonardo DaVinci, Bill Gates – and their IQ’s would likely be not as much as that number.
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale and many other IQ scales do not even measure up to this extent. IQ Score of 176 as exceptionally rare intelligence. If you scored 176 on an IQ test, congrats! You scored superior to 99.9% of the entire population.
Nonetheless, you can raise your IQ score significantly higher by upwards of 15 IQ points. To raise your IQ score, attempt these tips:
1. Try not to take any IQ test unless you have had a lot of rest.
2. Ensure you are quiet and loose before testing.
3. Kill all diversions including radio, TV and your cellphone.
5. Have a pen and paper prepared to tackle issues that can’t be understood in your mind.