Answering services optimize service delivery in hospitals and clinics. Looking for doctors answering service help take care of all incoming calls, giving the healthcare staff enough time to complete other vital roles. It is their core responsibility to deliver optimized customer service, which touches on all the needs of the patient or client.
Handle High Customer Call Volumes
Med answering services handle all incoming calls in healthcare facilities. When patients call your care support, their calls are received courteously, and their queries responded to immediately. You can start looking for doctors answering service that handle a high or low volume of incoming calls. Medical call centers also offer welcome care to enroll willing patients into membership programs in healthcare centers.
Scheduling of Reminders
Reminders are designed to optimize the scheduling and response to appointments. Answering centers help health facilities to schedule appointments and remind patients of their appointments. They keep everyone on the know-how, ensuring quality service delivery and quick patients’ response to appointments. Reminders are also provided to remind patients to purchase or take medications.
Management of Billing Enquiries
The management of billing inquiries is another great service provided by healthcare call centers. Medical call centers respond to customer queries of all kinds. They give guidelines and detailed information regarding customer bills. When patients call to inquire about a hospital and everything about it, medical call centers will respond with detailed and accurate data to help them better understand the services they will get when they visit your medical center.
Emergency Services
When emergencies occur, customers will try reaching out to their favorite hospitals for quick assistance. Hospitals that have outsourced their calling services to answering services will not have to worry about such calls not getting timely and quality responses. Healthcare centers will respond to such emergencies and initiate the process of saving the lives of those involved in such emergencies.
24-Hour Customer Care Support
Hospitals that run on a 24-hour basis need to respond to client needs quickly and efficiently throughout the day and night. Patients expect their needs to be responded to with the highest level of professionalism possible. Letting your inexperienced staff handle such tasks can risk your patients not getting a quality response. You can outsource these tasks to professional medical call center services and have all the needs of your clients attended to properly.
Post-Discharge Follow-Up Services
Not all patients are released from the hospital once they have fully recovered. Some need to be followed up until they fully recover ready to handle their day to day roles on their own. Medical answering services offer programs that cater to the needs of such patients. They offer post-discharge follow-up services, which aim at following up patients who successfully underwent treatment, but did not leave the hospital fully recovered. The post-discharge follow-up services provide the care and support patients need while out of hospital they can recover fully.
Front Desk Services
Front desk services take and transfer calls to someone else or the concerned bodies within the hospital premises. The medical care centers work to transfer calls to the right departments and concerned parties, ensuring immediate attendance and care to the callers as well as quality customer service provision.
Common Pitfalls for Answering Services and How to Avoid Them
Although answering services have tremendous benefits to the medical profession, a poor configuration can often lead to disastrous disadvantages. It is not unusual to encounter the following pitfalls as far as answering services are concerned.
Doctors’ answering service centers operate in two common ways. The first one involves the service provider gathering essential information and using it to relay messages to customers enquiring about different services. The second one is where the telephone operator or service provider uses a custom made script and follows industry protocols to answer inquiries.
It is not unusual to encounter the following pitfalls as far as answering services are concerned:
HIPAA Violations
Medical practitioners are legally bound by HIPAA. Whether you have outsourced an answering service provider or not, you need to protect your patients’ private health information. Failure to do so can lead to serious legal action. Besides the law, abiding by the HIPAA provisions is the foundation of setting up a successful and trustworthy practice. Outsourcing answering services can lead to patients questioning the safety of their information in third-party hands.
You can, however, assure your patients by setting up a strong and secure communication system. Doing so ensures that your customers’ data is not transmitted through messaging platforms such as email, text or voicemail. You can also set up a secure online platform for checking patients’ messages as well as signing a business associate agreement with all your service providers.
Securing Medical Data
About 1,300 companies were hacked just last year alone. The hackers exposed more than 400 million records of which 9 million were from the medical industry alone. The high number of breaches is associated with a massive shift from paper records to electronic forms. As a result data breaches are becoming a common occurrence. This means that medical practitioners have to become more aggressive when it comes to protecting their client’s data.
The situation is even more challenging if you are using outsourced medical answering services. The good news is that there are some actions you can take to avoid common pitfalls. First, set aside rooms with restricted access using keys or passcode protection. You can also set up unique logins and passwords which can be easily tracked and assessed. Furthermore, you can ensure the answering service firms protect their computers using firewalls.