Table of Contents
This is a list that combines some carefully selected topics that represent virtually all areas of psychology.
Research: Topic Selection; Rubric: Mr. Haberman – AP Psychology (Revised 2/14)
1. Addictions: which substance(s) most addicting? Which easiest/hardest to treat?
2. Role of the environment in the development of personality.
3. What do modern psychologists feel are the major weaknesses of Freud’s psychoanalytic theories.
4. Addiction: influences of genetics vs. peers/environment
5. Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, and Therapy.
6. Attachment Theory: relationship to parenting style & psychological health as an adult
7. Research the literature on the psychological and physical benefits of laughter.
8. The effects of the circadian rhythms on human beings.
9. The effects of cognitive dissonance on behavior/values
10. The Nightly Dream Cycle and Sleep Deprivation: impact on mental health
11. The Validity of Psychological Tests: how established? Which tests more valid? Less valid?
12. Collectivist vs. Individualistic Cultures: impact on positive self-esteem/sense of self.
13. Interpersonal Attraction: causes, gender differences; is there an “ideal”?
14. Gender differences and the Brain – separating actual differences from stereotypes
15. Endorphins and Happiness: production, role, implications for mental health
16. Learned Optimism/helplessness: how each come about; implications for mental health
17. Genius: Criteria, Characteristics and Types.
18. The Internet: positive/negative effects on our psychological health
19. How has Abraham Maslow’s concept of self-actualization affected Psychology?
20. Trace the Development of Humanism from 1950 till now. Review of the Literature
21. Childhood Trauma: impact on personality/role in personality disorders.
22. Race and Intelligence: The Scientific View
23. Possible Causes of Childhood Autism
24. How is Intelligence Measured? Reasons for controversy/debate
25. The Dual Roles of Genetics and Environment on Intelligence
26. Inherited Behavior – The Latest Research
27.Compare and Contrast the Learning Theories of B. F. Skinner and Jean Piaget
28. Alzheimer’s Disease: causes, treatment & role lifestyle plays
29. Contact sports & degenerative brain disease
30. Workplace stress: environmental factors? Role of culture, of job type?
31. Rational Emotive Theory: development & modern uses
32. Aging: changes to brain; implications, opportunities & challenges
33. Theories of Forgetting – explanation & implications for better memory
34. Does money buy happiness? Psychological health & socioeconomic status
35. Theories of Intelligence (Spearman vs. Gardner): implications for schools
36. The Theory of Persuasion – why works/doesn’t work (psychology behind it)
37. Bullying: causes, who gets bullied; what can parents/teachers do to stop it?
38. The Effects of Over Crowding on Human Beings
39. Subliminal Messages and How They can be Used to Influence Thought and Behavior
40. Current Experiments in Thought Control
41. The Psychological Effects of Torture
42. The Psychological Effects of War
43. How are Children Affected by War.
44. The Theory of Memory Storage in the Human Brain: is there a physical basis? What happens to it?
45. How to Motivate Children to Achieve
46. The Function of Play in psychological health/well-being
47. Reality Therapy: origins, modern uses
48. The Psychological Benefits of Pets & Pet Therapy
49. Psychological Problems of Paraplegics
50. The Emotional Effects of Solitary Confinement
51. Behavior Patterns of Hyperactive Children – biological vs. environmental roots
52. The Stages of Grief According to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross: implications for coping with loss
53. Attractiveness & bias: are the attractive treated differently? (convictions, hiring, perceptions)
54. Habits: How are they Formed and How They Can Be Changed?
55. The Effects of Color on Mental States
56. The Idiot Savant: origins; contrast with normal intellectual functioning
57. The Theory of Boredom: mental/emotional determinants
58. Managing Interpersonal Conflict: psychology of mediation
59. Divorce: causes, psychological impact
60. Shyness in Adults: causes, consequences
61. The Principles of Primal Therapy: origins, modern uses
62. How Children Develop Gender Identification
63. Typical Mother-Daughter Conflicts in Modern America: causes, solutions
64. The Psychological Aspects of Obesity
65. The Psychological Profile of a Terrorist
66. The Clinical Uses of Hypnosis – risks vs. benefits
67. Significant Findings From Recent Research on Identical Twins
68. The Psychological Profile of a Mercenary Soldier
69. Abusers: A Profile – early psychological history of a future abuser
70. Eating Disorders: why are they so resistant to treatment? Role of gender? Brain changes?
71. Hate Crimes: impact on victims & on communities
72. Brain Damage and Behavior
73. Dreams & dream interpretation: why they occur? are interpretations valid?
74. The Limits of Artificial Intelligence
75. Compare and Contrast the Training, Scope, and Functions of Psychiatrists and Psychologists.
76. The Rorschach Test: How is it Administered and Evaluated?
77. The Psychological Problems of the Homeless.
In addition, about 100 other research topics and ideas have been selected with regard to their domain in psychology.
Clinical, counseling and coaching psychology
We have developed a particularly strong profile in the field of coaching psychology, both for our teaching and research. Areas of expertise include:
- Etiology, assessment, and treatment of depression, anxiety and personality disorders
- Cognitive-behavioural therapy, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, and family therapy
- Applications of peer-coaching
- Coaching for healthy eating
- Attachment style
- Appraisal and coping processes in predicting relapse in depression
- Drug and alcohol counseling
- Social phobia in adolescents
- Financial phobia
- Post-traumatic stress
Cognitive psychology and cognitive neuropsychology
- Numerical cognition
- Instructional design
- Social influences on language processing, the organization of language within the brain structure
- Problem-solving and thinking
- Emotion word processing
- The effectiveness of cognitively designed web interfaces
- Psychosis and visual hallucinations in both clinical and general populations
- Sleep disturbances and their role in Psychosis.
Developmental psychology
- Outcomes and identity issues and constructions of resilience in looked after children
- Teenage parenthood and concepts of fathering
- The acquisition and development of literacy, language, and cognitive skills in typical and atypical child populations
- Eye movement behaviour during reading, children’s reading
- Cognitive correlates of audio-visual speech perception
- Long-term outcome of adoption reunions
- Reading, reading comprehension development and dyslexia in deaf children
- The effectiveness of computer-assisted reading interventions
- Socio-cultural context, parenting style, and educational achievement
- The development of eating behaviour across infancy and childhood
- Obesity, fussy eating and feeding problems in children
- Parenting and parent-child interaction
- Child temperament.
Forensic and criminal psychology
- Research interests within this field include: The predictors of offender behaviour and rehabilitation
- Offender profiling
- Eyewitness identification
- Links between schizo-type disorders and reasoning about crime and criminal behaviour
- Missing persons
- Cyber-harassment
- The developmental and behavioural characteristics of violent offenders and sex offenders
- Emotional intelligence as a predictor of re-offending risk in criminal populations
- Psychopathy
- Rape myth acceptance
- Gender identity and aggression
Health psychology
- Research interests within this field include the following:
- Health service research focussing on access to healthcare
- Adaption and self-management in chronic illness
- Telehealth and telecare
- Doctor-patient interaction
- Obesity and related eating disorders
- Positive psychological interventions
- Disease prevention and strategies for health behaviour change
- Health promotion
- Psycho-oncology, including quality of life in cancer treatment
- Rehabilitation of stroke patients
- Identity, social influence and health behaviours
- Group-based coping strategies in vulnerable populations
Occupational health psychology
- Members of the department have conducted several high profile research projects and systematic reviews on behalf of national bodies such as the Health and Safety Executive and the Universities and Colleges Union. Research interests within this field include the following:
- Work-related wellbeing and work-life balance in police, teachers and academic employees and other occupational groups
- Commitment and wellbeing in caring professionals
- The role played by emotional intelligence in the performance and wellbeing of health and social care professionals
- Resilience, wellbeing and retention in social workers and nurses
- Wellbeing in military spouses
- Workplace trauma and its management
- Alcohol and drug misuse in organisations
- Attachment style and health outcomes in health and social care employees
- The nature and impact of crying at work
- Returning to work during cancer treatment
- The crossover of work-related stressors and strains between cohabiting couples
- Work demands, work-life balance and health behaviours
- Psychosocial predictors of sick building syndrome within the workplace
- Menopause at work
- Stress and coping in expeditions
Social relationships, culture and communication
- Research interests within this field include the following:
- Attachment, psychopathology and personal relationships
- Mobile phone behaviours, harassment and cyber-stalking
- Attitude formation on social networking sites and their importance in employability
- Friendship and enemyship across cultural settings
- Psychosocial predictors of marital satisfaction
- Lay explanations of aggression and violence
- Construction of personal and cultural identity Cross-cultural aspects of social support, values & self-esteem
Teaching and learning
- Study time
- Research interests within this field include the following:
- Memory and learning
- Concept mapping and personal development
- The development of student researchers
- The employability of psychology graduates and the transition to employment
- Transitions to higher education and university life
- Personal Development Planning, realistic learning and learner development in higher education
- Enhancing commitment, support, resilience, and employability in health and social care student.